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Veteran Technician of Influence Winner - Tom Marty

Author: Mid-State Truck Service

Tom has been a great employee of Mid-State Truck for over 35 years! He has earned his spot in bay #1 a hundred times over. From electrical to engine overhauls, Tom does what needs to be done.

When it comes to technicians, Tom is #1 and performs a great role as a mentor to everyone in the shop! We hope to keep Tom forever as the knowledge he holds in his head and the experience in his tools go unmatched!

As a technician rodeo winner and multiple-time qualifier, Tom has shown he has what it takes to be the best in the field!  When it comes to customer satisfaction, you will often find Tom asking to talk with the customer when they arrive to get their truck so he can tell them what he found, how it came to that, and what can be done, if anything, to prevent it from causing downtime in the future. He is constantly "going the extra mile" to improve the quality of customer care we provide at Mid-State Truck and continues to show by example day after day!

Tom takes the hard jobs, but he also suggests certain jobs go to certain techs so he can oversee and mentor them. "Training moments" are common in bay #1 here in our facility. If a tech needs to be shown the correct way to do things, Tom is the tech to put in charge. If a customer returns with a similar complaint, Tom is the one we can trust with finding the root cause to prevent another return. Tom's technician efficiency is one of the best in the shop - comebacks are not an option for Tom and they don't happen.

There is a reason Tom is so busy - almost every customer we have requests him to repair their units. When Tom is out of the shop, he builds and flies RC planes and cars. He also enjoys biking and watching his grandson play hockey.